About me

My pretty face


39 year old all-you-can-do web geek since the time of the 56K modem.
Barcelona resident since 2013 / EU citizen


Owner @ dostres (Barcelona) - 2013-2020

Digital content-creation small business oriented towards the movie industry.
Web development, content-creation and management.
Digital advertising (Banners, outdoor screens, cinema pre-rolls…)

Freelance Webdesigner / Webmaster (Paris) - 2004-2013

Web solutions for the French independent film industry (both theatrical & video)
Content-creation and management on social networks from Myspace to Instagram

Webdesigner / Webmaster @ Bac Films - 2001-2004

Creation of promotional flash mini-sites for theatrical releases.
Development & content management of the group websites (full-stack LAMP)
Graphic design for promotional digital assets (banners, videos…)

Assistant Graphic Designer @ Net2one - 2000-2001

Flash-based presentations, web design, html 1.0, photoshop, illustrator


Baccalaureate (science) A grade
Lycée Gustave Eiffel, Armentières (France), 2000

That’s all, Folks ;)


MacOS / Windows / Linux
Microsoft Office / Google Docs / iCloud
Adobe Creative Suite
HTML5 / CSS / Javascript / PHP / MySQL / Wordpress / Bootstrap
General knowledge in network / hosting / security / cloud
Web / Graphic / Motion Design
Video editing
Learning modern frameworks (React/vue…) and UI/UX
Playing with Hugo - That website is made with it.


French / English / Spanish / Basic Catalan


Living room DJ, check my Mixcloud
In another life i’d like to chase villains.